Services / Aged Care / Companionship Care

Aged Companionship Care

Companionship Care provides a friendly and compassionate home companion who is focused on emotional support, social interaction, maintaining healthy routines, and generally making life a bit easier around home.

Humans are social creatures. Loneliness and social isolation are significantly associated with declining physical and mental health, while regular social interaction is a fundamental element in quality of life.

As we age, as our social circle shrinks, and as we become more homebound, the need for regular outside support becomes increasingly important. 

Depending on the individual’s situation, a home companion can help in ways small and large — for example, being someone to have a chat with over tea or coffee, listen to stories, go for walks or visit the park, play a game of chess or scrabble, attend local social events, and do gardening or go swimming together (or whatever the preferred means of exercise). 

A home companion can also provide general living support including (but not limited to) meal preparation, washing clothes, basic home maintenance and computer support, doing the grocery shopping, running errands, and taking trips in the car.

Because everyone’s personality and home situation is different, we take special care in understanding your individual needs in order to find the right companion for you or your loved one. 

Please contact us to learn more about Companionship Care and determine the best solution for your personal circumstances.